2009 Stallion Service Application

 Stallion Booked To Stud Fee + GST

Breeding Method

Name of Mare

Mares race record and earning:

IMPORTANT: Is this an Embryo Donor ?


Name Farm

Day Phone:

Day Phone Ext Night Phone

Fax # E-mail

Mares Pedigree

Sire of Mare
Dam of Mare

Sire of Dam Sire of Sire

Address and Phone of "Contact" at mare's physical location (or same)

Address and Phone of "Semen Receiver"(or same)

Semen "Pick-Up Hub" or "Pick-Up Agent"

Billing Person and Address (or same)

Mare's Breeding History

Has the mare ever had a reproductive tract infection, a difficult foaling or any other breeding problem?

Name of stallion bred-to last season

In Foal?

Date last bred If mare is in foal, due date is

If mare has already foaled, date of foaling was

If mare was not bred last year, the reason is or other

If mare is not in foal, the reason is or other or other

Complete Credit Card Information (as below) IS REQUIRED FOR ALL SEMAN TRANSPORTATION ORDERS:

Use same credit card information as last season

Credit Card Company: VISA or:

Person's Name On Credit Card:

Card Number:

Expiry Date: Semen transport container of pererence is

I hereby apply, based on the information supplied above and the conditions above, for a booking to the above named stallion for this mare, and if such booking is approved by Seelster Farms Inc., it shall become a contract between us.



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